মোৰ ভূমিকা :

অসম চৰকাৰ Power

On Going Projects of APDCL

  • 1. Deendayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana-DDUGJY

    Deendayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana (DDUGJY), announced in the budget 2014-15 envisages feeder separation, strengthening of sub-transmission & distribution network including metering at all levels for the rural areas.
    The major components of the scheme are: feeder separation, strengthening of sub-transmission and distribution network, metering at all levels, including input points, feeders and distribution transformers, micro grid and off grid distribution network and rural electrification to complete already sanctioned projects. This scheme will help in round the clock power to rural households and adequate power to agricultural consumers.

    Present Status:

    No. of Projects SanctionedNo. of packagesNITs Issued for No. of PkgsNo. of Pkgs. Awarded

    2. Integrated Power Development Scheme (IPDS)

    • Total 88 Nos of Statutory towns (62 Nos of R-APDRP towns and 26 Nos of Non R-APDRP towns) are declared as Eligible towns for implementation of IPDS in Assam.
    • Formal Sanction for IPDS implementation was received from PFC vide letter no. 02:10: IPDS: APDCL/Assam/Vol. I/36813 dtd. 08.03.2016 (Grant nos. 62151001 to 62151019). Project to be completed by 07.09.2018 ie 30 months from the date of sanction). Now works are going on for preparation of Tender documents for floating of necessary bids for 88 project areas (towns) covered under 19 Circles of APDCL. The process of tendering, finalisation of turnkey contractor and award of contract is to be completed within 6 months from the date of sanction as per IPDS Guidelines.
    • M/s Biecco Lawrie Limited, Kolkata has been appointed as the Project Management Agency (PMA) for efficient and effective implementation of IPDS vide LOA no. CGM (PP&D)/APDCL/IPDS/T-152/PMA/2016/4147 dtd. 23.02.2016.

    3. ADB (Asian Development Bank) Funded Projects:

    Tranche 3

    Name of the scheme: Assam Power Sector Enhancement Investment Program, Tranche-3
    Source of Fund: Multi-tranche Financing Facility - 1 (MFF-1), Tranche-3 of the Asian Development Bank (ADB)
    ADB Loan No: 2800-IND
    Loan Amount Sanctioned: 33.3 Million USD
    Works under the project: Construction of 29 nos. new 33/11 kV Substations, augmentation of 14 nos. 33/11 kV Substations, Renovation of 4 nos. 33/11 kV Substations, construction of 634. 3km 33 kV lines, 307 km of 11 kV lines, 10 km of 11 kV ABC lines, 93 km of LT ABC lines (HVDS) and 410 nos. DTRs (HVDS) in various districts in Assam.

    Estimated Cost of the Project: Rs. 325.17 Crore (ADB Fund: Rs. 226.25 Crore, Counterpart Fund of GOA: Rs. 98.92 Crore)
    Status: Under implementation by APDCL through 9 nos. of turnkey contract packages.
    Total Contract Value of 9 packages: Rs. 190.09 Crore
    Tranche 4
    Name of the scheme: Assam Power Sector Enhancement Investment Program, Tranche-4
    Source of Fund: Multi-tranche Financing Facility -1 (MFF-1), Tranche-4 of the Asian Development Bank (ADB)
    ADB Loan No: MFF-3200 IND
    Loan Amount Sanctioned: 50.2 Million USD
    Estimated Cost of the Project: Rs. 396.3 Crore (ADB Fund: Rs. 296.75 Crore, Counterpart Fund of GOA: Rs. 99.54 Crore)
    Status: Implementation will be started after finalisation of LOA through 4 nos. of turnkey contract packages.
    Total Contract Value of 4 packages: Rs. 260.08 Crore
    Tranche 2
    Name of the scheme: Assam Power Sector Enhancement Investment Program, Tranche-2
    Source of Fund: Multi-tranche Financing Facility -2 (MFF-2), Tranche- 2of the Asian Development Bank (ADB)
    ADB Loan No: Loan Agreement is Yet to be signed.
    Loan Amount Proposed: 48 Million USD
    Estimated Cost of the Project: Rs. 341 Crore (ADB Fund: Rs. 275Crore, Counterpart Fund of GOA: Rs. 66 Crore)
    Status: Tendering process for 5 nos. of packages is not yet completed.
    Total Contract Value of 4 packages: Rs. 242.48 Crore

    4. Projects under TDF (Trade Development Fund):

    Sl NoDetails of workPhysical QuantityCost of the workStatus as on June 2016
    1Construction of a new 33/11 kV Substations in various districts all over Assam46 nos. (470 MVA)Rs. 91.49 Crore29 nos. completed & charged. Out of the balanced, 10 nos. completed and ready for charging, 6 nos. 80% complete & 1 no. at initial stage.
    2Augmentation and R&M of existing 33/11 kV Substations in various districts all over Assam29 nos (176 MVA addition) 27 nos. completed & charged. Balance 2 nos. are 80% complete.
    3Construction of a new 33 kV lines associated with the new Substations814 ckmRs. 135.49 Crore643 ckm completed
    4R&M of existing 33 kV lines295 ckm 290 ckm completed
    5Construction of a new 11 kV lines for power evacuation from the new Substations221 ckm 182 ckm completed
    6Installation of new DTRs (250 kVA, 100 kVA & 63 kVA) in various districts all over Assam2939 nos (292 MVA)Rs. 186.98 CroreInstallation of 2939 DTRs (292 MVA) completed
    7Extension of 11 kV lines for new DTRs609 ckm 609 ckm complete
    8Extension of LT lines for new DTRs195 ckm 195 ckm complete
    9Construction of dedicated 11 kV Tea Garden feeders330 ckm 330 ckm complete
    10Construction of a new LT ABC line in various districts all over Assam516 ckmRs. 48..87 Crore434 ckm completed
    11Conversion of all existing LT lines to LT ABC line in various districts all over Assam1103 ckm 1023 ckm completed
    12Procurement of 33/11 kV Power Transformers (10 MVA & 5 MVA) for new Substations136 nos. 133 nos. procured
     Total Rs. 550.59 Crore 

    5.Projects under NLCPR (Non Lapsable Central Pool of Resources)

    6. Projects under NERSIP (North Eastern Region Power System Improvement Scheme) (World Bank funded)The development objective of North Eastern Region Power System Improvement Project for India is to increase the delivery of electricity at the boundaries of the power distribution network in the participating states in the North Eastern Region.This project has two components:

    1. The first component, Priority Investments for Strengthening Intrastate Transmission, Sub-transmission, and Distribution Systems, will include priority investments for strengthening and augmenting the intrastate transmission, sub-transmission, and distribution networks by upgrading old and constructing new 220 KV,132 KV, 66 KV, and 33 KV lines and associated substations in each of the six participating states.
    2. The second component, Technical Assistance for Capacity Building and Institutional Strengthening (CBIS) of Power Utilities and Departments of Participating States, will provide support for capacity building of power utilities and departments across the six participating states.

    Status of works under NERPSIP (World Bank) scheme Implementing Agency: PGCIL Amount Sanctioned: Rs. 348.46 Crore

    Sl NoDetails of WorkPhysical QuantityCost of the workStatus as on June 2016
    1Construction of new 33/11 kV, 25 MVA Substation at Thirubari1 no.(10 MVA)Rs. 2.40 CroreWork in progress. 40% completed
    2Construction of a new 33 kV line from Salakati GSS to proposed 33/11 kV Thirubari Substation along with construction of 11 kV feeders for power evacuation.16 ckmRs. 2.30 CroreWork in progress.40% completed
     Total Rs. 4.70 Crore 
    Sl No.Details of WorkPhysical QuantityCost of the workStatus as on June 2016
    1Construction of new 33/11 kV Substations in various districts all over Assam12 nos.(160 MVA) In Tendering process by PGCIL
    2Construction of a new 33/11 KV GIS Substations in Guwahati4 nos.(80 MVA) Land acquisition for the 33/11 kV Substations in progress
    3Construction of a new 33 kV lines(Overhead) associated with the new Substations399 ckm Land for 7 nos. Substations already in possession
    4Construction of new 33 kV underground cable lines with the new GIS Substations at Guwahati80 ckm  
     Total Rs. 348.46 Crore